
The NAIHBR Remodeler program is designed to sell homes that need upgrading without home owners expending on costly renovations.

How do we do this? With a network of skilled tradespeople, realtors, vendors and financial institutions all centered on one common goal of improving our community.

Why is this important? Market Conditions and Buyer Tendencies are hampering the sale of outdated homes. The NAIHBR Remodeler program helps buffer the disconnect between available inventory and demand, resulting in an economic boost to all parties within a real estate transaction and to a community in general.

Proposed Kitchen Remodel Proposed Kitchen Remodel

MARKET CONDITIONS: Inventory is at a historic low point Nationwide. While a mild shortage of available homes is typically good news for a seller, that is not always the case. When inventory becomes too low, buyers tend to sit out the market rather than overbid on homes.  This phenomenon is even more prevalent when economic factors such as rising interest rates combine with low inventory. In this environment, the homes that typically sell fastest and for the most value are ones that are updated and in high demand. Homes that are outdated can easily get bypassed in this type of environment.

BUYER TENDENCIES: The largest share of home buyers over the past 4 years has been Millennials and/Gen Yers, encompassing 34% of the market (NAR 2017).  Of these buyers, roughly 50% have sought out homes that are renovated and newly constructed. These buyers are shopping on line and making decisions in ways that previous generations never contemplated. The goal is to attract these buyers by showing what can be done to the property.

NAIHBR Solution: NAIHBR brings together skilled tradespeople, real estate agents, and the financing community to solve this dilemma.  We have created an array of predefined upgrades that can be marketed with the property, along with estimated costs for renovation.  The renovation packages provide buyers with a clear visual of what the property can look like at a cost that is digestible. The unique financing available through the NAIHBR program helps make this all possible. Financing for the packages can be handled at the close of the property with the help of our financing partners.

Getting more homes sold, more buyers in homes they love, and stabilizing our communities.  The NAIHBR Way.

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